Continued at: Hey all, this week our valiant party rides to the citadel of Torniak to meet with the powerful Zephrynius (history buffs will note this was the name of one of our popes!) and then on to Redouk! We also learn a little more about Gary and we see how our band of adventurers…
Hey all, this week our intrepid adventurers realise what happens when they edit the wrong episode. No, that was me. Anyways this week our heroes gain a bunch of new powers and new ways to wreak havoc on evil doers! They might also get their horses back. You never know. As always we welcome any…
Merry Christmas, Feliz Navidad, Happy Chanukah, etc, etc Here’s a Top 5 Holiday TV Episode list for everyone to enjoy this Holiday Season. These will be regular episodes of TV series and not episodes produced as one off specials. I’ve also included where you can stream the TV show (via Can I Stream It?)…
Nerdy People Play D&D, Episode 6 - Gary Says, Keep Crossbows in Your Pants
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Hey all, sorry this is late, but Christmas, family children etc etc all got in the way of getting this out on time. Going to warn you guys right now, we had a LOT of fun recording this one and I hope you all have a lot of fun listening. Our intrepid adventurers finish up…
Nerdy People Play D&D, Episode 5 - Shining, Shimmering, Splendid
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Hey all, welcome to our very 5th episode of relative strangers playing Dungeons and Dragons. We start this week with so many Disney references I felt fairly sure I should expect a visit from a large and legally powerful mouse. This episode we have a lot of fun as Gary struggles with what cannot be…
Nerdy People Play D&D, Episode 4 - Gary and Aiden, BEST FRIENDS!
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Hey all, in this episode Gary and Aiden find a novel way of using a Bag of Holding and Josh re-considers ever letting the party have any other magical items ever again. We also find out that Gary is not to be messed with. Do NOT touch his tea. As always guys, we’d love to…
Nerdy People Play D&D, Episode 3 - All Belt, No Pants
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Hey all, This week we find out if no belt or no pants is the bigger fashion faux-pas. We also get to witness the DM have a very reflective moment when the party is presented with what he had thought was a very inoffensive magic item. As always we welcome any and all feedback and…
Nerdy People Play D&D, Episode 2 - You Shouldn't hold the Heavy End!
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Continued at: Hey all, This week we find out the right and wrong end to hold a hammer by, depending on whether you want stability or impact. We also watch as our PC’s unleash a large amount of wrath at some very deserving greenskins and we’re all left somewhat confused when a friendly face shows…
Nerdy People Play D&D, Episode 1 - Cast Detect Evil on the DM
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Hey all, welcome to the first episode of Podculture plays D&D, featuring some great podcasters and myself. This week we introduce our cast of brave heroes. Zargash a dragonborn paladin, Aiden Hobbs a human ranger, Amethysia a half-elf bard and Gary a half-elf monk. Our heroes have been sent to the tiny village of little…