This week we saw everything there is to see in Ready Player One. I mean, almost. Ok, not at all. There are so many references! Netflix acquires Seth Rogan April Fools! I got you so good… Netflix planning live action Carmen Sandiego film I hope it’s a gritty reboot Street Fighter live action…
That’s right, we tackle the Kaiju vs Jaeger battle that is Pacific Rim. Deadpool Trailer I’m even more excited about this Coulson and Ronan join Captain Marvel Lee Pace and Clark Gregg sign on for new Marvel movie. New Marvel Posters Each poster represents an infinity stone John Cena to star in…
Please check out the Trevor Project and consider a donation to help out LGBTQ kids.!/donation/checkout This week we watched the new Tomb Raider movie. Don’t worry, you don’t have to. But you can listen to use talk about it! John Oliver’s book “Marlon Bundo” pokes fun at Pence #1 book on Amazon on…
Tucker and Dale! That’s right, this week we watched Tucker and Dale vs. Evil for the podcast. We did this because we were forced to by one of our Patrons. And also because it’s Alan Tudyk’s birthday this Friday March 16th! @alantudyk Teen Titans Go! To The Movies casts Halsey as Wonder Woman and Lil…
This week we sat down and watched “Spirited Away” to see if we could get Tim interested in it at all. Skip to 51:41 for the main topic! “Harry Potter: Hogwarts Mystery” trailer released Tim said to be camping out already despite this being a mobile game Emma Stone was first pick for Wonder…
That’s right, this week we had special guest Claire Handscombe, from the Brit Lit podcast and ‘West Wing’ SUPERFAN to talk about the show, her book ‘Walk With Us: How the West Wing Changed Our Lives’, and the upcoming convention ‘West Wing Weekend’ this September that she’s organizing. (fandom stuff) Walk With Us: How…
This week, we saw Marvel’s new blockbuster “Black Panther” Fake Scientific Paper actually published in American Research Journal of Biosciences They made it painfully obvious that this was a fake paper based off an episode of Star Trek Voyager causing mutation and super human abilities. Why bother reading it? First Three Episodes of Stargate Origins…
Episode 53 - Bromances and Womances - Early Access
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This week, we talk the best Bromances and Womances in pop culture. From Abed and Troy, to Leslie and Ann, from Harry and Lloyd to Dean Winchester and any other human male. Hannah Simone from New Girl to star in Greatest American Hero reboot. This “New Girl” is now the only one I could ever see…
This week we looked back on the last year of the podcast and ahead at the future! Also: News Benioff and Weiss to write and produce a series of Star Wars films Game of thrones to star wars? Yes please. Disney is reportedly working on several Star Wars tv series I just want good ones….