Hey all,
sorry this is late, but Christmas, family children etc etc all got in the way of getting this out on time.
Going to warn you guys right now, we had a LOT of fun recording this one and I hope you all have a lot of fun listening.
Our intrepid adventurers finish up their confrontation in the cafeteria and move on to bigger and far more lethal things. How does Gary handle hostage negotiation? I’ll let you guess how that went.
As always we welcome any and all feedback and would love to hear from you guys and gals.
Full cast can be found below:
Amethysia: @CrystalPisano
Aiden Hobbs: @RonaldFoose
Gary: @iaguzSC2
Zargash : @NerdyTies
Please feel free to contact me directly here:
@PodcultureDND or podculturednd@gmail.com
Keep Rolling!