Please check out the Trevor Project and consider a donation to help out LGBTQ kids.!/donation/checkout
This week we watched the new Tomb Raider movie. Don’t worry, you don’t have to. But you can listen to use talk about it!
John Oliver’s book “Marlon Bundo” pokes fun at Pence
#1 book on Amazon on Monday, sold out by Tuesday. Beat Pence’s book which was in 6th.
Toys R Us officially closing probably
May be some deals in the works to purchase individual stores as showrooms or something.
Uber cancels self-driving car trials
I for one welcome our new robot overlords
Rick and Morty not yet renewed for season 4
buy y tho?
Avengers Infinity War Trailer
This is what I’ve been waiting my whole life for
Infinity War tickets set new sales record
More than 751% ahead of Civil War and 257% ahead of Black Panther
Disney to build 3 new super hero lands
Everywhere but Disneyworld. Thanks Universal.
Lord of the Rings series could cost 500 million
2 seasons, 500 million. That seems insane.
Ninja and Drake make the most popular twitch stream in history
630,000 people or so watched as drake gave his opinions on things like pineapple pizza
As always, the news is a whole bunch of stuff that we’ve also shared on our social media:
Facebook, Twitter, Patreon, iTunes, Google, and